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Speaker's Profile

Aakansha Doshi

Aakansha Doshi

Open source maintainer,


About Me

Aakansha is passionate about Free and open-source software (FOSS) and loves deep diving into the internals of Web and Javascript. She is a core maintainer of excalidraw, react-tags, mermaid-to-excalidraw, and more libraries. Beyond her tech interests, she is a big foodie, loves traveling, and spending quality time with her family.

About the session

Encrypting data in the Browser - Exploring Web Crypto APIs

In this talk I will be deep-diving into the world of Web Crypto APIs, starting from key generation, various encryption algorithms, implementation techniques, and more. The session will include live demos, coding examples, and a fun side project as well.

18th Oct, 2024

12:30 PM - 01:05 PM


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