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Speaker's Profile

Josh Goldberg

Josh Goldberg

Open Source Developer, Self-Employed


About Me

Hi, I'm Josh! I'm a frontend developer with a passion for open source, static analysis, and the web. I'm a full time open source maintainer and work on projects in the TypeScript ecosystem such as typescript-eslint and TypeStat. I'm also the author of the Learning TypeScript book, published by O'Reilly.

About the session

Type-Safe Style Systems: The Future of CSS

Most CSS developers today write visual styles in terms of what you literally see: exact color values, size numbers, and so on. But what if you could write styles as a function of how they fit into your design system? And what if you could get type safety in specifying and using those values, including in responsive props?

This talk will dive into some of the key features and flaws in many design system builders today such as Chakra UI and Tailwind. We'll establish what the best next steps for design systems should be with type-safe TypeScript APIs and performance both for prebuilt pages and at runtime.

15th Oct, 2024

05:00 PM - 05:30 PM


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