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Speaker's Profile

Rajat Vijay

Rajat Vijay

Director of Engineering, Certa


About Me

Rajat Vijay serves as the Director of Engineering at Certa, where he has led his team for over five years. Starting with building the team from scratch, he has guided them through the intricacies of frontend development and innovation. Over the past year, Rajat has also spearheaded the development of AI products at Certa, merging his expertise in frontend technologies with cutting-edge AI solutions. His interest areas include collaboration, technological exploration, and the pragmatic application of new methodologies in both frontend and AI development.

About the session

Experiments with React Compiler in Production Code

Explore our journey of integrating the React Compiler into the production codebase, focusing on the challenges faced and lessons learned. I’ll discuss approach of selectively enabling the compiler in performance-critical areas, and share practical strategies to overcome obstacles.

19th Oct, 2024

12:00 AM - 12:30 PM


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