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Speaker's Profile

 Vishwesh Jainkuniya

Vishwesh Jainkuniya

Full Stack Engineer, eka.care


About Me

Vishwesh is a believer, solver, and enthusiast currently building doctor experience @ eka.care. He is a full-stack developer and has mentored Beeceptor & Tealfeed. He is passionate about designing systems at scale. Previously he has worked with Goibibo, GoJek and has been an open source contributor at Zulip & Facebook projects. His primary focus is to build solutions that solve problems for millions.\nWhile he is not coding, he will be found playing the keyboard, exploring the world, and reading books.

About the session

Building loader free online apps

I will talk about the extreme need of an offline first app in the world of high speed unstable internet by sharing the journey of building an offline first app using React and IndexedDB @ eka.care. We will also be touching how frameworks like Redux and Dexie combined with React can help to architecture scalable offline apps. We will be going through some of the offline first use cases and deep dive on how to create a loader free user experience. Taking it further I will also present some of the techniques to sync the data across devices with the help of code patterns which can ease development.

22nd Sept, 2022

6:20 PM - 6:50 PM


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